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Thursday, 20 July 2017

shiv tandav stotram

Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi Lyrics with easy readble format

||सार्थशिवताण्डवस्तोत्रम् ||

||श्रीगणेशाय नमः ||

जटा टवी गलज्जल प्रवाह पावितस्थले, गलेऽवलम्ब्य लम्बितां भुजङ्ग तुङ्ग मालिकाम् |
डमड्डमड्डमड्डमन्निनाद वड्डमर्वयं, चकार चण्डताण्डवं तनोतु नः शिवः शिवम् ||१||

जटा कटा हसंभ्रम भ्रमन्निलिम्प निर्झरी, विलो लवी चिवल्लरी विराजमान मूर्धनि |
धगद् धगद् धगज्ज्वलल् ललाट पट्ट पावके किशोर चन्द्र शेखरे रतिः प्रतिक्षणं मम ||२||

धरा धरेन्द्र नंदिनी विलास बन्धु बन्धुरस् फुरद् दिगन्त सन्तति प्रमोद मानमानसे |
कृपा कटाक्ष धोरणी निरुद्ध दुर्धरापदि क्वचिद् दिगम्बरे मनो विनोदमेतु वस्तुनि ||३||

लता भुजङ्ग पिङ्गलस् फुरत्फणा मणिप्रभा कदम्ब कुङ्कुमद्रवप् रलिप्तदिग्व धूमुखे |
मदान्ध सिन्धुरस् फुरत् त्वगुत्तरीयमे दुरे मनो विनोद मद्भुतं बिभर्तु भूतभर्तरि ||४||

सहस्र लोचनप्रभृत्य शेष लेखशेखर प्रसून धूलिधोरणी विधूस राङ्घ्रि पीठभूः |
भुजङ्ग राजमालया निबद्ध जाटजूटक श्रियै चिराय जायतां चकोर बन्धुशेखरः ||५||

ललाट चत्वरज्वलद् धनञ्जयस्फुलिङ्गभा निपीत पञ्चसायकं नमन्निलिम्प नायकम् |
सुधा मयूखले खया विराजमानशेखरं महाकपालिसम्पदे शिरोज टालमस्तु नः ||६||

कराल भाल पट्टिका धगद् धगद् धगज्ज्वल द्धनञ्जयाहुती कृतप्रचण्ड पञ्चसायके |
धरा धरेन्द्र नन्दिनी कुचाग्र चित्रपत्रक प्रकल्प नैक शिल्पिनि त्रिलोचने रतिर्मम |||७||

नवीन मेघ मण्डली निरुद् धदुर् धरस्फुरत्- कुहू निशीथि नीतमः प्रबन्ध बद्ध कन्धरः |
निलिम्प निर्झरी धरस् तनोतु कृत्ति सिन्धुरः कला निधान बन्धुरः श्रियं जगद् धुरंधरः ||८||

प्रफुल्ल नीलपङ्कज प्रपञ्च कालिम प्रभा- वलम्बि कण्ठकन्दली रुचिप्रबद्ध कन्धरम् |
स्मरच्छिदं पुरच्छिदं भवच्छिदं मखच्छिदं गजच्छि दांध कच्छिदं तमंत कच्छिदं भजे ||९||

अखर्व सर्व मङ्गला कला कदंब मञ्जरी रस प्रवाह माधुरी विजृंभणा मधुव्रतम् |
स्मरान्तकं पुरान्तकं भवान्तकं मखान्तकं गजान्त कान्ध कान्त कं तमन्त कान्त कं भजे ||१०||

जयत् वदभ्र विभ्रम भ्रमद् भुजङ्ग मश्वस – द्विनिर्ग मत् क्रमस्फुरत् कराल भाल हव्यवाट् |
धिमिद्धिमिद्धिमिध्वनन्मृदङ्गतुङ्गमङ्गल ध्वनिक्रमप्रवर्तित प्रचण्डताण्डवः शिवः ||११||

स्पृषद्विचित्रतल्पयोर्भुजङ्गमौक्तिकस्रजोर्- – गरिष्ठरत्नलोष्ठयोः सुहृद्विपक्षपक्षयोः |
तृष्णारविन्दचक्षुषोः प्रजामहीमहेन्द्रयोः समप्रवृत्तिकः ( समं प्रवर्तयन्मनः) कदा सदाशिवं भजे ||१२||

कदा निलिम्पनिर्झरीनिकुञ्जकोटरे वसन् विमुक्तदुर्मतिः सदा शिरः स्थमञ्जलिं वहन् |
विमुक्तलोललोचनो ललामभाललग्नकः शिवेति मंत्रमुच्चरन् कदा सुखी भवाम्यहम् ||१३||

इदम् हि नित्यमेवमुक्तमुत्तमोत्तमं स्तवं पठन्स्मरन्ब्रुवन्नरो विशुद्धिमेतिसंततम् |
हरे गुरौ सुभक्तिमाशु याति नान्यथा गतिं विमोहनं हि देहिनां सुशङ्करस्य चिंतनम् ||१४||

पूजा वसान समये दशवक्त्र गीतं यः शंभु पूजन परं पठति प्रदोषे |
तस्य स्थिरां रथगजेन्द्र तुरङ्ग युक्तां लक्ष्मीं सदैव सुमुखिं प्रददाति शंभुः ||१५||

इति श्रीरावण- कृतम् शिव- ताण्डव- स्तोत्रम् सम्पूर्णम्

Monday, 1 May 2017

Top SEO Interview Questions & Answers You Must Read Before Your Big Day

*Phone rings* Tring Tring

It is hiring from the company you have had your eye on for a while. The job role is perfect for you. However, you have just been told that they would like you to come in for an SEO interview. How do you prepare for that? What are the SEO Interview Questions they are going to probably ask you?

Undoubtedly, it is a herculean task to find talent. Good talent is nearly impossible, especially when it comes to internet marketing and SEO where there are far too many people who can talk the theory but fail when it comes to execution. Therefore, the interviewer before hiring the employee will make sure he/she is well-acquainted with the concepts of Search Engine Optimization.
We have come up with a list of SEO Job Interview Questions and Answers that you should read before going for an SEO interview!

Knowledge-Based SEO Interview Questions and Answers

Here are some of the basic questions, an interviewer can ask in order to check your knowledge about SEO:

Q 1: What do you understand by the term “SEO”?

Ans: SEO abbreviated form of “Search Engine Optimization”. It is the set of process on account of which a web page or website is being optimized that helps it to enhance their visibility or ranking on top in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).

Q 2: What will you do to make a website search engine friendly?

Ans: Few of the main elements that make a website search engine friendly are word count, anchor text, backlinks, outbound links, keyword etc.

Q 3: Do you know about the types of SEO?

Ans: There are majorly two types of SEO that are being practiced namely On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.
On-Page SEO
It is the process of optimizing a website that includes on-site work like writing title, content, Meta tags, ALT tag, and description along with ensuring web-page’s design and code that can be indexed and crawled by search engines properly.
Off-Page SEO
It is a method of earning backlinks from various websites with a motive to improve the ranking of the site. This method includes various SEO steps like article submission, blog posting, forum, Press release submission, classified, and miscellaneous.

Q 4: Are you aware of SEO techniques?

Ans: There are two SEO techniques: White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO or Negative SEO.

Q 5: Best way of getting a natural backlink to your site.

Ans: Some of the best ways of getting a natural backlink to your site are blog commenting, article marketing, social networking site profile, link exchange, etc.

Q 6: What will you do for the company website you are working for, decides to move all the contents to a new domain?

Ans: In that case, it would be important to update the previous site with a permanent redirect i.e 301 redirection to the new pages. After that, all the previous content should be taken down in order to avoid duplication of the content.

Q 7: What are some external but important factors which impact the ranking?

Ans: Some of the external factors are time spent on the site, page views per visit, bounce rate, and returning visitors.

Q 8: How to cross check if SEO campaign is working or not?

Ans: Firstly, an attempt would be made to search all the search engines employing relevant key phrases and keywords that are to be optimized. After the analysis, the results will point out whether the methods of optimization have worked or not. The report is to be analyzed on a regular basis. Also, another aspect of website statistics would also be taken care of which talks about the origin of the traffic.

Q 9: SEO Blogs you read to keep yourself updated.

Ans: Blogs to keep yourself updated are:
  • Search Engine Journal
  • MOZ
  • SEOSmarty
  • Search Engine Land
  • Jimboykins

Q 10: How many types of Meta Tags are there in SEO and what are their characters limits?

Ans: There are two types of Meta tags in SEO:
  • Description Meta tag: 150 characters limits
  • Keyword Meta tag: 200 characters limits

Q 11: How you will start keyword research? Which tools would you use for doing it?

Ans: First of all, you have to decide your topic that might bring traffic to your website. For that, you can use Google Trends or leverage on Twitter’s trending topics (based on geographical locations) to find the best possible topic.
Few of the tools to decide keywords are,, and Google Keyword Planner to find related keywords as well as their search volume.

Q 12: Differentiate between Dofollow and Nofollow.

Dofollow link
It is a kind of hyperlink which enhances the ranking of your site as it acts as a backlink that is counted by search engines.
Nofollow link
An HTML attribute value used to instruct search engine bots that a hyperlink should not influence the ranking of the link target in search engine’s index.

Q 13: What do you understand by Keyword streaming?

Ans: Keyword Streaming means analyzing and selecting the best keyword for your website and targeting to your website. One reduces each word to its stem. For instance, “investigating”, “investigates”, “investigated” all become just the root word or stem “investigate” in a search index.
This is used for search functionality which means enabling any form of the search term to find all variations of the supplied keyword. It thus improves the search experience.

Q 14: What is Canonical issue? How will you resolve them?

Ans: The Canonical issue relates to duplicate pages. For instance, if a site has 2 pages of same content but different URLs and you can’t redirect it then you use a canonical tag. It is to be used in the head section on your site.
For fixing a canonical issue, you have to do a canonical redirect the visitors to a correct version when they try to go to the wrong URL.

Q 15: How will you check the number of backlinks to your competitor’s site?

Ans: Using link operator on Google and various external tools like Backlink finder, Open Site Explorer, Backlink Watch, Alexa etc, one can know the number of backlinks to their competitor’s site.

Commonly Expected SEO Interview Questions and Answers 2016

There are few questions interviewer will ask you irrespective of the fact which SEO-based profile you have applied for. Some of these are:

Q 1: What attracted you to SEO industry?

Ans: Honesty is the key here!
Think why did you apply for this job in the first place? Because of the industry’s reputation? Or maybe the fact it offers exceptional growth? Or the high-paying jobs in this industry?
The interviewer, here, wants to test your commitment to the industry and find out what makes you the best pick out of the pool available. Therefore, respond with full enthusiasm and commitment for the sector overall. You can say that you are attracted to the industry because of good reputation and lots of opportunities available to progress your career, expand your knowledge, and learn new skills.
This answer will reflect your commitment to the sector in long run and your wish to constantly improve and enhance your skills.

Q 2: What do you enjoy most about working in SEO?

Ans: It is good to be honest here. You have to consider which tasks you look forward to in your day and which areas you enjoy working in (particularly). However, be careful that you don’t go for the ‘easy’ tasks only. Talk about challenges you would like to take.

Q 3: How do you think your experience of digital marketing will benefit our business?

Ans: This question is all about your personal experience and what you have done in the past and how your skills could benefit the business overall. Also, talk about your particular SEO story that helped you learn a lot of things and how this particular knowledge could help the business.
You need to answer in what ways you are different from the rest of the applicants, therefore, think carefully about what makes you unique in terms of experience, knowledge, and skills. Also, how it will have a positive effect on the business.

Q 4: Where do you see yourself in five years’ time in the digital marketing sector?

Ans: When interviewers ask this question, they aren’t waiting for you to talk about your personal aspirations. When a company hires a new employee, they are making a huge investment!
Therefore, the hiring managers want to know if you are worth the investment or not. They want to know if you will stick to the company along with growing professionally. They want to test you on your problem-solving skills.
Talk about the following things:
  • Interest in the profile you have applied for
  • Core strengths and how they can benefit the company
  • Professional goals

Personalized Interviews Questions

SEO Fresher Jobs

When preparing to apply for SEO Fresher job, you need to be thorough with the basics first. Have a glance at SEO interview questions and answers for freshers before appearing for the interview. 

Q 1: What are you looking forward to working in SEO field?

Ans: Since you are a fresher, you are always expected to be energetic and open to learning. Therefore, you should answer this question openness to learning more, talk about what interest you the most. Is it on-page SEO or off-page SEO?
Most of the SEO interview questions for freshers are theoretical as they have a minimum or no experience before. So you can read the above-suggested Search Engine Optimization questions!

SEO Executive Jobs

Q 1: What steps would you follow to optimize a website?

Ans: For optimizing a website, following steps, should be followed:
  • Keyword Research
All the search optimization begins with keyword research. It is important to have an understanding of the current search landscape and your keywords. This will help at the beginning of any marketing strategy as well as occasional re-evaluate. Since these numbers change continuously, therefore, you have to keep yourself up-to-date.
It is crucial to use Google Keyword Planner, begin with your location and industry.
  • Craft outstanding content with keywords
While creating content, you must keep the keywords in mind. The main motive of the content is to reach the audience who are looking for it. With proper keywords, you can help content reach effectively. Try to use keywords as often as possible but naturally.
  • Speed up your website
Slow running websites are a curse. It is important to make sure your page is always up to speed. You can do this by a tool called Google Speed Insights. This tool will help tell if your page is running slow and give suggestions on how to speed it up.
  • Update page titles
Most of the businesses have page titles as simply their business’s name. The best search names usually follow the city + service format. For instance, Delhi – Digital Vidya is a page title which could be the best search name.

Q 2: What are the common SEO mistakes while producing digital content?

Ans: People usually make the following common SEO mistakes while writing content on digital platforms:
  • Using wrong words
  • Problems with redirection
  • Falling prey of SEO myths

SEO Specialist Jobs

Q 1: Have you ever dealt with link penalties? How?

Ans: After identifying the link, try to remove them and disavow the one that can’t be deleted.
Dealing with link penalties includes the following steps:
  • Find all the backlinks: This can be done with the help of Google Webmaster Tools.
  • Identify the bad backlinks: One of the best tools to identify bad backlinks is Monitor backlinks.
  • Request removal of the bad links: All the requests must be sent from the email address of the website. After that, you have to keep track of your requests and see who has opened your emails.
  • Disavow the ones that can’t be removed: Before you create a disavow report, it is important to remove all the backlinks. Add tags to all of the links you could not delete by using “disavow” tag.

Q 2: After implementing distinct SEO methods for a site, if you haven’t got any improvements. What would be your next step?

Ans: The first step would be troubleshooting for the issues. Firstly, it is essential to note if it is a new project or not. The next step would include analyzing relevant keywords and phrases for the site that needs to be optimized along with studying competitive analysis.
There could be two cases:
The website and pages have been indexed and appear in the first 10 pages of SERPs but not in the top three pages, so there it needs some transformation on page descriptions, page titles, page text etc. However, if the website is still not indexed or dropped from the index, it might comprise of some big issues and a total re-work might be required.

SEO Manager Jobs

If you are applying for the profile of an SEO Manager, there are certain SEO interview questions and answers for experienced that you should be well-versed with before appearing for the interview. 

Q 1: To increase rankings, what things should not be performed to avoid a penalty?

Ans: A person can use Google Disavow tool to remove low quality and spammy links. After getting rid of all the bad quality links, you will create authentic and good quality links from white hat SEO techniques which are approved by Google Penguin and Panda like the link from social media, forum posting, article submission, guest posting, and blog commenting.

Q 2: Suppose a user gave us a negative feedback on our Facebook page, how would you handle that?

Ans: Positive feedbacks increase the motivation of the company and reflect the strengths of the company but tackling with negative feedbacks showcase the problem solving and online reputation management skills of the company. Acknowledging the negative feedback and going in details of the problem to find the root cause is the main motive. This will increase the retention of the existing customers and thereby, will help in customer satisfaction.

Q 3: Have you made any mistakes in your SEO based profiles and how did you rectify them?

Ans: “To err is human”
Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes. The interviewer here expects you to be honest and is testing your problem-solving skills. Like for example, people usually make these very basic mistakes in their SEO profile:
Make it difficult for search engine crawlers to index and thereby, rank your site. Most of the people are unaware of the fact that they have to add their sites to Google Webmaster tool (which is now called Search Console). You can rectify this mistake by clicking on ‘add a website’ option to the Google Webmaster tool.
These are some of the SEO interview questions and answers for experienced candidates or  Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) experts.

Pro Tips for SEO Interview

Here are some of the tips you should work on:

1. Updated LinkedIn profile

Don’t have a LinkedIn profile? Do you think you are fit for digital marketing industry? Create your LinkedIn profile, work upon your online presence.

2. Implement your learnings

Execution is everything in SEO based profiles. Talk about how you have attempted to implement your learnings from industry experts in your work. You can also talk about it worked for you and what did you benefit from it along with your own improvisations. This will not only help you with bonus points but interviewer will understand your attitude and mindset.

3. Honesty works everywhere

If you know something, talk about it and explain it. But if you don’t know something, admit it and let them know that you will add that to your learning list.

4. Research about the company

Know the inside out of the company you are applying for. What all services do they provide? Do they have a blog? What is the most famous blog post they did?

5. Know your strengths

Know about your strengths in SEO field. Talk about them with confidence.

6. Share your knowledge

Insecurity has never done good to anyone. Therefore, share your knowledge and experience openly and at the same time be open to new discussions and ideas.

7. Don’t sound money minded

Money is a motivational factor. Accepted. But being money minded has never shown great results. Therefore, try to refrain yourself about money right at the beginning of the interview.

8. Smile your way

A pleasing personality will always add on to your credentials. It reflects your self-confidence and will bring positive vibes!

Source:-  digital vidya

Monday, 27 March 2017

Packers and movers service- benefit and precaution.

They are many Benefits and Precaution of hiring movers and packers companies for home shifting in India.

Time Saver: – Your time is valuable and productive so i think it can be the best interest to use packers and movers service instead of get along with it yourself. you can use your precious time in more productive things. Other than that being a professional a packers and movers service make it easy and consume less time in shifting.
Assurance: – We have hired highly professional and skilled Employees for doing the job of packing and moving the goods because that’s the right way so that they take our goods from one place to another place.
Technique: packers and movers companies have skilled and trained employees they would know how to do things the right way are packed. They use to best technique to move the goods safely at new locations.
Cost:  If we hired the packers & movers company so we do the rest and save costs and they will provide the every kind of services related to packers & movers for safe relocation at best affordable charges.
 100% Safety of Goods:  This is one of the most important reasons to when we hire the packers & movers’ employees because they know how to take care of goods and move to one place to another place safely at new locations.
All you have to do is ask them and you will get the best of their services at a reasonable cost. They have been formed to help in such situations.
Packers & Movers Company handle any kind of relocation shifting like, international relocation, house shifting, office shifting, Local shifting & commercial shifting etc.
It is better to hire a professional employee’s movers & packers and take some maximum benefits out of your hire. Movers and packers companies in India offer complete solution form packing to transporting, delivery, unpacking & re-arranging.

if you are having problems in shifting, you can try   Vrl  packers and movers in chennai for your suitable requirement.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

How to contact with a faithful packers and movers in Chennai?

As we already know that there is a lot of companies serving in packing and moving services. It has become a most compatible service and so they are using very sloppy promises to make people believe in them. It is not seems same as they look before deal. You can experience a wave of disappointment with these fake companies. They use very favorably word to attract their client or use name of other reputable companies.

So you will have to be cautious to choose right service provider among them because it is the wellness of your precious belongings so why take risk? Here I am going to help you to find the actual packers and movers service provider. We are showing you the glimpse of suggestion what you should take before acquiring services.
Being a packers and movers service provider we often see these circumstances where fake companies uses the name of packers and movers in Chennai for fulfilling their own intentions. So be aware and research alittile bit and then take you step.
Precaution before using the packers and movers service:-

  • Go to the website of related service provider and look for their authentication and registration.
  • Check the review of former clients of that company. It is the world of digital market so you can help it to find the right one
  • Interact with the people around that packers and movers service provider.
  • Take advice with family, friends, neighbors and social circle
  • Use social media and google what people says about them
  • Visit their office and ask frequent questions about their procedure and employees
  • Check if they are using written agreement
  • Ask them if there is any customer support service
  • Ask them if something worse happens then what is the procedure of claiming
  • Is there any tracking system available
  • Visit their warehouse and storage and be confirmed about their maintenance
  • Take a close look on their machinery.
  • So if you are going to acquire them you must confirm about everything. Don’t hesitate to ask any question because it is all about your wellness and wellness of your goods. You have right to do so because your paying a handful amount for your service.

    Thursday, 23 February 2017

    Hire a relocation service around your area

    As you know it is not easy to shift your household utilities or office goods from one location to another. It takes a lot of labor and time to do so as well as it is the process of a pile of leisure and boring works. I think it will be your best decision to hire a relocation service around your area like packers and movers Chennai and experience an easy way of relocating your goods. I am here to draw you attention towards the problem of shifting service and how can you make it care free.

    First of all you have to be specific about your goods and their importance. You cannot put all the things in one box and throw on the vehicle. It can be alter all your goods in very unproductive manner. You already know that in shifting and relocation, you might have breakable things, sacred things as well as very heavy and ill fitted goods. So you have to put it on their exact location to save it throughout your journey.

    Second thing that you will need in all these hectic process is appropriate tools for packing, binding, carrying. You will feel the need of a packers and movers service like packers and movers Chennai in this process most. An individual person or an unorganized institution cannot avail all the necessary products for you on a single place. So the presence of packers and movers service becomes inevitable in these days of our busy life.

    Assume that you already collect all the tools, technology and transport vehicle for shifting your goods but again the hurdle of labor around the process will make you think about packers and movers service. In the time of fast forward generation nobody have much time to bend in this unproductive process. You will need skill and experienced hand in your shifting service that will care your goods with great precision. Packers and movers chennai will provide their excellence labor and experience of packing and moving in your most unwanted situation.

    Other thing that can make you worry about safety of your goods, office furniture and vehicles is the management and transportation. You will need an exact vehicle to transport with hassle free journey. To make a safe passage of relocation of your goods is only priority of packers and movers chennai because the presence of packers and movers in our social scenario is all about to provide an effective and carefree way of shifting service. Packers and movers in chennai is the most reliable and composite organization to diminish your shifting problems.

    Hire a relocation service in your area (I will recommend you packers and movers chennai – the best of all) and make your journey easy and comfortable. Enjoy the care free journey by connecting with our branches of packers and movers chennai in your area.

    Monday, 30 January 2017

    20 Tips for time-saving and stress-free house shifting

    Both local and interstate house shifting are full of stress and harassment because of overall cost, time and effort required for house shifting. House shifting is much more tiring, especially when you have no experience of house shifting in past. You have to do so many tasks for a hassle free house shifting and it’s not going to be easy, so you should hire packers and movers in Chennai. Booking movers and packers in Chennai will help you a lot but have little bit knowledge and experience of house shifting to you or your relative or friend can be plus point for you.

    But choosing best packers and movers in Chennai is not so easy because at present time there are so many companies in marketing providing relocation services in Chennai. Before selecting a mover you have look for many uncertainties like rates of movers, work experience of those service providers and these days you have to read their online reviews of their previous works and never forget to read their insurance policies. House shifting can be a messy affair if you don’t make a proper plan for packing- unpacking, loading-unloading, transportation and some other important concerns.

    There is no shortcut for instant planning and preparation of house shifting. You have to start planning minimum a month before the day of shifting. For the proper process of shifting work, you should research for what to do and what not to do. If you start planning a month before the actual house shifting will take place will make all the processes hassle free and you and your family will have enough time for relaxing because you should rest minimum one day before the day of shifting.

    1. Simple and quick hacks to help you in save time, money and stress while shifting your household.
    2. note down all the list of your stuff, details, and planning in a diary or writing pad. This way will find anything and ever forget
    3. Start packing your goods at least one month before the moving day. So that there will be no hurry and you will have enough time in hand for rest.
    4. Always try to use original boxes of electronic and fragile equipment to packing them, original boxes is strong and best fit for them and using original boxes will cut extra budget of new boxes for packing
    5. If possible always try to pack some smaller, handy and fragile items yourself.
    6. Ask friend, families or neighbors for help in some packing process.
    7. Use bubble wrap or news papers for the safety of your items. This will keep your stuff scratch free.
    8. Use strong tapes for packing and use tapes on box joints. Use many tapes for packing, this will give your boxes straight, So they can wear a lot of weight.
    9. Wrap the expensive glassware items with bubble wraps or clothes like a towel to pack them well. So, they could endure the journey and you don’t need to buy another set of these items because of their crack.
    10. You can also use bed sheets or cushions around your fragile items in packing. This will those goods safe.
    11. It is good for the safety of appliances to pack them in original boxes.
    12. If possible try to pack all your household goods yourself with the help of friends family. This will help you in saving money in not giving extra charges to professional packers and movers for packing.
    13. Pack those items according to their need which you use daily.
    14. Sell or donate those unwanted items in charity that you do not use. Selling them will give you some extra money.
    15. Choose a week according to your ease for shifting.
    16. Always keep in contact with relocation service provider and confirm date and timing of movement.
    17. For a better deal always compare three to five service providers.
    18. Don’t compromise with quality of packing materials
    19. Never hide anything with the company you have chosen about your stuff.
    20. Keep your medicines, documents and other personal things with yourself.
    21. At last, the mantra of a stress-free house shifting is proper planning and understanding between you and other people involved in the process

    Sunday, 29 January 2017


    Mistakes are the part of life. It is a human tendency that without doing anything wrong, he cannot get the key to success. A human is always learned through mistakes. But, sometimes it takes all our important needs. A husband wife relation is very soft; a small wrong decision can break it. To get marry is a very simple task but to maintain it is quite difficult. People who are suffered from this problem want to get a husband wife problem solution with the help of vashikaran expert Pandit Vishal Sharma
    Vashikaran mantra accompanies an answer of each sort of issue whether it is identified with your adoration, business, marriage, occupations, and so on. Any housewife who is experiencing difficulty with her spouse then she can deal with him by utilizing these mantras. She simply needs to counsel any expert before performing vashikaran mantra to control spouse. In the wake of performing this mantra effectively, she will see a few changes in her spouse in the only a couple of days. Her spouse takes her requests as well as used to cherish her and begins dealing with her.

    To perform this mantra one simply needs to know the name and bio of the individual for whom the vashikaran mantra is performing. There are numerous things which are expected to use for performing vashikaran mantra like candles, wood, oil, and so forth. The things which are required to bring for vashikaran mantra and vidhi for a spouse. It is critical to keep this relationship sound for the general soundness of the family and to bestow solid qualities in youngsters. However these days, this connection is quick losing its appeal. Individuals are selling out one another or are being controlled by another person with the goal that they avoid you. In the event that you are likewise winding up in a comparable circumstance, don’t worry as master ji will help you manage it and will demonstrate to you the right approach to get back your spouse with the assistance of vashikaran mantra. With straightforward visionary cures, you can win over your spouse back. So reach us at the earliest. So don’t be past the point of no return or else you will lose your friends and family until the end of time. We are constantly prepared to bolster you manage the unpleasant time in your marriage.

    Black magic specialistwe Vishal Sharma solve your all problems with your husband and your relation with your husband will become normal and full of joy. You can take services from vashikaran specialist Vishal Sharma online or from phone and WhatsApp

    Visit here for online service-
    Or contact on call- +91-8146202791